


劇中的故事是哈林家庭生活的縮影,而這部戲完成後受到了當時的片商凱爾.瑞尼(Kyle Renick)的青睞,

在超外百老匯演出(off-off-Broadway WPA Theater),得到廣大迴響,被翻譯成眾多語言,流傳至世界各地。






The original script of Steel Magnolias was written by Robert Harling.

With various working experiences, he has been an American writer, a typographer, a designer,

a journalist and a novelist.He was born on March 27, 1910 and died July 1, 2008.

 As a writer, he not only writes many plays but also adapts his stage plays into films.

Steel Magnolias is his first play, which was inspired by his younger sister, Susan,

who died of complications from diabetes. The events in the play are based on his family life.

The play impressed Kyle Renick at the off-off-Broadway WPA Theater enough to perform it.

From then on, it has attracted lots of attention.

Finally, Steel Magnolias was put on the screen. Robert Harling adapted his piece into the screenplay.


Steel Magnolias has been translated into many languages around the world.

Steel Magnolias is just one of his masterpieces. In Harling’s works, he is especially great at transferring

the trivial of others’ life into interesting stories. His working experiences provide him ideas to his novels

and playwrights. His recent works include Soapdish(1991), The First Wives Club (1996),

 Laws of Attraction (2004),and so on.


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